Police and Public Safety

Crime Solvers Tips

Crime Solvers

Mason Police is a member of the City/University Crime Solvers Program. Information reported to the police that leads to an arrest may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.

The George Mason Police Investigations Section maintains a confidential information phone line at 703-993-4111.

Submit a Tip

Anonymous tips have led to recovered stolen property and the arrest of various suspects. Crime Solvers has paid cash rewards to anonymous tipsters that lead to successful captures of suspects. Call 703-993-4111 to supply any information regarding a crime or suspicious activity.

You may also submit a tip online to the George Mason University Department of Police and Public Safety Police Crime Solvers. This feature is entirely anonymous and is not traceable. The online form is designed and offered to allow people a means to share information and to help create a more safe and secure community. You may be contacted only if you choose to submit your contact information. Otherwise, your identity will be unknown.

You should always call 911 for suspicious activity or crimes in progress. If it is a non-emergency, you can call 703-993-2810 with other information.

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